miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008


The values that each admires in people

Luz Miryam says:

value is an esencial element for construction of the society. Moreover, the values add human dignity to our lives.
I`m generous, happy, I have common with the other people, I`m tolerant and gratefull and reponsability.
I admire when the people are sincere becouse this value is really very scarse today in the society.
Becouse the values show the way to follow in order to achieve a good coexistence.
Colombia is a country with generous, nice and happy people.
yes, many countries have similar values, because the values are universal an they are innate in every one.

Merly Jiménez says:
I admire in a person your values of training. When a person speaks, walks, laughs, cries expresses much of his personality and character. The respect, trust, honesty, responsibility, good humor, charity, good advice, are values that make a good person.

Diana Suta says:
The Values are qualities that do grow the person such as be honest, tell always the truth, be responsable.

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