miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008


Daily routine:

A routine actions are continuing to develop in the day. Basically a routine becomes the way we play in the lively daily

Luz Miryam says:

Every day I get up at six o'clock, I bath, breakfast, I go to Mass I am go to work and arrived at 8:00 am. Perform my work until 12:00 a.m. Lunch and continuing with my job at 2:00 pm and finish at 6:00 pm and then I go to my house.

In the weekends a go at the Simon Bolivar`s park for running and developing some physical exercises. Organize some things in my house and if I have time I go to the movies with my friends or shoping.

Merly Jiménez says:
I get up at 5:30 in the morning, I prepare coffee and I take a bath at 5:45; at 6:30 I have breakfast with my husband and I leave to my work.I arrive to work at 8:00, turn on my computer and read the mails and talk with my boss. At 10:00 I go to eat a snack and I call with my husband my son, then I continue working.At 1:00 in the afternoon I have lunch and return to the office at 2:00. I speak by telephone and do my duties. At 5:30 I return to my home, when I arrive home at 7:00, I eat with my family, then we watch TV and we play with our baby. At 10:30 we go to sleep.

Diana Suta says:
I Usually get up at 5:00 in the morning, make the breakfast and I take to leaven my children to school, then I go to my work at 8:00. I have luch fast at 1:00 in the afternoon with my friendly, in the afternoon. When I arrive to home I hetp to my children to do their homework and we go to bed at 9:00 at night.

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